Jamie does terrible things sometimes

A couple of years ago, I lived in a town below the edge of a cliff, causing half the neighborhood to be covered in darkness, no matter what time of the day it was. I lived there for 1 week, just like everyone else. After 7 days of staying there, everyone was forced to move out by the local police station. Most people don't know why, and I doubt they would still come there if they knew.
The town was named Ventwood, at least, that's what people called it. I moved there with no one else but my dog. On the first day, I decided to explore the streets, maybe meet some people. The strange thing I noticed right away was that most people stayed in their houses. I eventually found a kid walking by himself, so I went over to him and asked where everyone was, and he said to me "People stay in their houses here. You are the only stranger I've ever seen outside, besides Jamie". I asked him who Jamie was, and he said "Jamie is the man who lives in the house at the edge of town. Jamie does terrible things sometimes".
On the second day, I decided to investigate, learn who Jamie is, and what he did. I knocked on people's doors, asked them questions, and slammed the door on me when I mentioned Jamie's name. A day later, I decided to talk to Jamie myself.
I walked towards Jamie's house. The windows were clearly aged, the roof's shingles extremely broken. I saw the door handle, plated in gold. I grabbed the handle. I was visibly shaking, but I got the strength to turn the knob.
I slowly opened the door, got on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur.